Macao Museum


Macao Museum Activities

地點 Exhibition Gallery, 3rd floor of Macao Museum
收費 Admission Fee
Date:2011/5/18 Wednesday 11:00~13:00, 15:00~17:00

Venue: Macao Museum

In International Museum Day, the Macao Museum has organised ‘Know More About Chinese Characters’ games, and a live demonstration of gilding and colouring of wooden carved religious figures, classified as National Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Free Admission (International Museum Day)

Venue: Macao Museum:15/5/2011 (Sunday), 18/5/2011(Wednesday)

Venue: Heritage Exhibition of a Traditional Pawnshop Business:18/05/2011(Wednesday)

Permanent Exhibitions

地點 Exhibition Gallery, 3rd floor of Macao Museum
時間 Tuesday to Sunday, 10am to 6pm (last entry at 5:30pm)
收費 Admission Fee

The Macao Museum is a space dedicated to the history and culture of Macao, possessed of a vast number of objects of historical and cultural value, which demonstrate the way of life of the various communities that have inhabited the city for centuries.