Founded in 1728 by Jesuit missionaries, St. Joseph’s Seminary has cultivated numerous outstanding Catholic clergy in the course of the last three centuries, maintained a close relationship with Macao’s social development and made positive contributions to local cultural, educational, artistic and charitable undertakings.
St. Joseph’s Seminary houses a great number of religious artefacts, e.g. books and documents, oil paintings, icons, liturgical vestments and vessels, etc. In order to give the public an opportunity to appreciate these historical collections, the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao SAR Government has collaborated with the Seminary and the Catholic Diocese of Macao in establishing the Treasure of Sacred Art of St. Joseph’s Seminary.
Contact information
Address: Igreja de S. Jose, Rua do Seminario
Guided tours for the public in Cantonese : 3:00pm (Saturdays)
Advance booking is not required.
Opening hours: 10am to 5pm, closed on Wednesdays, Open on public holidays
Free admission
For enquiries:
Please call (853) 2835 7911 during office hours